Monpan shokudo Monpan Restaurant Nonvegetarian menu

    Monpan restaurant  English menu
◎ Mongoru pan (hot sandwich ) (Monpan ) ¥650 freshly baked nomad style flat bread sandwich  
( bread , vegetable , fillings , tomato sauce )
fillings change every day from time to time
◎ Monpan plus cheese ¥750
( bread, vegetable , fillings , tomato sauce, cheese )

◎ Big size Monpan (old fashioned Mongorupan )¥750
   30% bigger than normal Mongoru pan
Plus cheese ¥850
◎ Cheese Monpan bread ¥ 350
              mixed cheese and bread
Big size Cheese Monpan bread    ¥500

◎Monpan and soup set ¥850
◎ Big Monpan and soup set   ¥950
◎ Toppings
☆ mixed cheese ¥100   ☆ fried egg ¥100
 ☆ bacon ¥100  ☆ bacon plenty ¥200
 ☆ sausage ¥200   ☆ butter ¥ 100
◎ Mongoru pan with sweets
☆ Peanutsbutter and banna ¥400
☆ Peantsbutter and banana and bacon  elvis sandwich
n ¥600
☆ sesami cream and honey ¥350
☆ Ogura ( sweetened beans ) ¥350
☆ Cream cheese and honey ¥350
☆ Honey in plenty ¥350
☆ Cream cheese and fig jam ¥350
☆ Almond butter ¥400

◎ Monpan pizza ( open style monpan )
☆We can make every Monpan open style Same price
 ☆Party size 
with a lot of vegetable and cheese and meat or sea food
¥1500 パーティーサイズオープンモンパン  

◎Monpan pastel ( deep fried monpan like pastel in Brasil ) 
Bacon or sawsage and cheese and vegetable ¥600
☆egg and cheese and vegetable ¥ 600
☆vegetable and tofu ¥600
◎Rolled Monpan with bacon or sausage and
vegetables amd ,miso
巻きモン ¥800
◎rice ご飯
☆ breakfast set meal 朝定食 ¥500 
( rice , miso soup, pickles, and some savory dishes ) 
Please order before 5 in the afternoon
☆ Our chef akichan's various dish set  おそうざい定食
( rice, miso soup, pickles, and other dishes)¥950
  With meat or sea food main dish 海鮮又は肉メイン付
☆ rice porridge おかゆ ¥300
☆ rice porridge with chicken 鶏粥 ¥ 500
Phat Bai Gapao chicken ガパオライス チキン ¥850 
☆ Phat Bai Gapao seafood ガパオライス 海鮮  ¥950
  Gapao means Thai basil buit when basil is not available, we
use other herbs
( Thai style minced meat over rice with chilli and Thai basil )
☆ Lu rou fan ルーローファン
( Taiwanese minced meat over rice ) ¥850
☆ fried rice 焼きめし ¥700 最初から卵入りです
 plus egg+¥100
☆ Pibimpap ビビンバ
( Korean style mixed rice with vegetable ) ¥850
egg plus ¥900
 Pibimpap is a Korean dish literally meaning mixed rice and
with namuru ( seasoned vegetable ) and meat and hot
gochujang sauce.
The toppings are usually stirred togher with rice before eating

☆Buddha bowl ブッダボウル ¥950
   For instance 、brown rice , beans , fresh vegetable ,
nuts and so on
super healthy salad bowl
Every buddha bowl is different due to the vegetable abalable

☆Kimpap キムパ  Korean style rice nori-roll ¥500
If you want to have kimpap without cut .we serve in burrito style
◎ Other menu
☆ bowl of rice ¥150 ☆ rice big bowl ¥250
☆ brown rice ¥150 ☆ brown rice big bowl ¥250
☆ miso soup ¥150
☆ rice , miso soup and pickles ¥300
☆ assorted pickles 漬物セット ¥ 200   
☆ raw egg ¥50
☆ rice with raw egg ( tamagokake gohan ) ¥200
☆ fried egg ¥100   
☆ omlet ¥ 400 cheese omlet ¥600
☆ rolled omlet Japanese style dashimaki  だし巻き¥400
☆ ham egg , bacon egg ¥200
☆chidjimi Korean salty pancake vegetable ¥500 チヂミ
With meat or seafood ¥800

☆takkarubi タッカルビ 
korean stir fried chicken with vegetable ¥750
☆cheese takkarubi チーズタッカルビ ¥850
☆Korean Yangnyeom chicken 
korean fried chicken with chill sauce ¥750
☆Spicy fried tofu and vegetable stir fry
チャージャン豆腐 ¥800
☆家常豆腐  豆腐と野菜の辛味炒め,  plus meat ¥900
Mabo tofu 麻婆豆腐 
   Spicy tofu and minced meat 単品¥750
☆fried potato フライドポテト  ¥300
☆fmk, ried sweet potato さつまいもフライ ¥300
☆vegetable salad 野菜サラダ ¥300  big bowl ¥600
☆Tofu salad 豆腐サラダ¥600
☆stir fried vegetable 野菜炒め ¥800
☆deep fried tofu with thic broth 揚げ出し豆腐 ¥400
☆cold tofu with some relishes on top 冷ややっこ ¥200
☆Vietnamese fresh spring roll ベトナム春巻き  ¥600

Phat thai パッタイ ( Thai style fried rice noodle ) ¥ 850 egg plus +¥100
☆Tantan noodle noodle with spicy sesami sauce
坦々麺 ¥850
without soup
☆fried noodles 焼きそば ¥700
  ☆Japanese style yakisoba fried noodle 日本風焼きそば 
  ☆fried noodle with vegetable and meat salty taste  
塩焼きそば ¥700
  ☆ethnic taste fried noodle エスニック焼きそば ¥700
☆shrinp egg fried noodle 海老麺やきそば
( shrinp eggs kneaded noodle )
With shrinp and pork and vegetable ¥900
☆stir fried vegetable and pork over deep fried noodle
あんかけ焼きそば ¥850
☆stir fried rice noodle and pork and vegetable
焼きビーフン ¥850
☆soumen noodle with tuna ¥650  ツナそうめん
  with a lot of vegetable ¥850
Soumen is a very thin wheat noodle
☆soba ( buckwheat noodle ) salad ¥650
☆Vermicelli with gapao sauce ガパオ春雨 ¥850
☆ aglio olio e peperoncino ¥750
アリオオリオ エ  ペペロンチーノ
☆ meat sauce ¥850 ミートソース
☆ vegetable pasta ¥850 野菜パスタ
☆ cream pasta ¥850 クリームパスタ
☆home made anchovi pasta ¥850 アンチョビパスタ
☆ Zen pasta ( shirataki pasta ) same price 禅パスタ
※ you can change pasta to Zen pasta (shirataki pasta ) made from konjac.
Konjac has almost no calorie and has no gluten

◎ Curry please choose Japanese style or Indian style or Thai style  
☆tofu豆腐 curry and rice ¥850 豆腐カレー
☆been 豆 curry and rice ¥850  豆カレー
☆vegetable 野菜curry and rice ¥850 野菜カレー
☆chicken鶏 curry and rice ¥850 チキンカレー
☆pork 豚 curry and rice ¥850 ポークカレー
☆beef牛 curry and rice ¥1000  ビーフカレー
 only when beef is available
☆venison 鹿curry and rice ¥1000 鹿カレー
only when venison is available.
☆boar 猪curry and rice  ¥1000  猪カレー
 only when boar is available
☆mutton 羊curry and rice ¥1000 マトンカレー
only when mutton is available
☆chinese medicinal curry and rice 薬膳カレー¥1000     
pork or chiken

※ You can change rice into monpan m bread

◎Pan fried dumplings gyoza yakigyouza 焼き餃子 ¥600
pot stickers gyoza  suigyouza 水餃子 ¥600


☆sundubu-jigae   with rice ¥1000 
without rice ¥850
Korean hot soup pot with tofu and vegetable and meat  
Not available in hot summer
☆konbiji-jigae  コンビジチゲ  オカラチゲ
Korean hot soup pot with soya pulp and meat
with rice ¥900 without rice ¥750
Not available in hot summer
☆Huoguo 火鍋 Chinese medicinal super healthy spicy hot pot  麻辣湯
You can choose ingredients ¥1000~
Base of Huoguo contains ,more than 20 chinese medicins

☆sindhat シンダート ¥2500~
Laotian style hot soup pot and grilled vegetable and meat
Please make a reservation at least one day before
At least over 2 persons
Summer is the best season for sindhat