モンパン食堂 本日のおすすめ

May 14th Thursday to May 17th Sunday
   Today's recommendations   本日のおすすめ                       
◎ Our chef Akichan’s special dish with plenty of vegetables set meal
あきちゃんのお野菜たっぷりお惣菜定食 ¥950
with meat dish or sea food dish  肉or 海鮮料理一品付き ¥1300

Set meal 定食   set meal means main dish and rice and miso soup single means main dish Only

◎ Deep fried pork cutlet set meal トンカツ定食  ¥950
Mabo tofu set meal tofu and minced pork stir fry with hot sauce 麻婆豆腐 定食   900円 single ¥750
◎ Grilled spicy mackerel with some vegetables south Indian style set meal ¥900single¥750 サバの南印度風グリル定食
◎ Fried chicken set meal ¥900    鶏唐揚げ定食  single 単品¥750
◎ Horse mackerel meuniere with butter and parsley sauce set meal  アジのムニエルパセリバターソース定食  ¥950
soup スープ
◎ Big size bowl of miso soup with a lot of vegetables   お野菜たっぷりどーんと味噌汁 ¥500
◎ Deep fried Sea bream or flatfish south east asia syle カレイの東南アジア風 スープ仕立て ¥1500  
◎ Clams Steamed with a lot of herb ¥700 タイ風アサリのたっぷり香草蒸し  
curry and rice カレー
◎ Chinese medicinal curry and rice  chicken or pork 薬膳カレー 鶏肉 or 豚肉  ¥ 1000
noodle 麺
◎ Fennel and sardin pasta イワシフェンネルのパスタ  ¥1000
◎ Pasta with fire squids ホタルイカのパスタ ¥1000
◎ Pasta with a lot of mushrooms and homemade bacon たっぷりキノコと自家製ベーコンのパスタ  ¥1000
◎ Nagoya's Taiwanese soupless noodle with vegetables and minced pork and nori and raw egg 名古屋風台湾まぜそば¥850
◎ Vietnamese pho with chicken and herbs ベトナムフォー  ¥850
◎  Sword cutting noodle with vegetables and pork without soup 刀削麺 ¥850 乾麺使用 豚肉と野菜の混ぜ麺
◎ Spicy Seafood salad Thai style タイ風ピリ辛シーフードサラダ ¥800 春雨入り ¥900 ヤムウンセン
◎ Somtam Thai style spicy salad with young papaya ソムタム タイ風辛い酸っぱい甘い香ばしいサラダ ¥ 600

Monpan モンパン
◎ Rolled monpan with an egg and herbs and meat burrito style 巻きモンパン 卵味噌 肉香菜¥800 油で揚げず、さっぱり
◎ Deep fried monpan pastel (like pastel in Brasil ) cheese and bacon and some vegetables in it
モンパンパステーウ ベーコン又はウインナとチーズを入れて 油で揚げて います ¥600
◎ Homemade fig jam and monpan 手作りいちじくジャムとモンパン   ¥500
◎ Peanuts butter and banana monpan ピーナツバターバナナ ¥400 
◎ Elvis sandwich peanuts butter and banana and 2strips of bacon エルビスサンド¥600
others others
◎ Horse tails and an egg stir fry 土筆の玉子とじ ¥400
◎ Stir fried small squid with fermented soy beans sauce 小イカのドウチジャン炒め ¥700
◎ Deep fried red shrimps    赤エビの空揚げ ハラペーニョソース ¥500
◎ Deep fry flat fish or Sea bream with Chinese vegetable thick sauce鯛or赤カレイのから揚げ中華風野菜餡かけ ¥1500
◎ Boiled fire squids with fish sauce and coriander   ホタルイカの広東風 ¥500
◎ Pickled leaf mustard and pork stir fry     からし菜の漬物と豚肉の炒め物  ¥500
◎ Gratin with soy milk and Sake lees and vegetables with chiken 鶏肉入り酒粕豆乳グラタン  ¥800
◎ Vegetable tempura season's vegetables deep fry with batter ¥ 800  フキノトウと野菜の天ぷら盛り合わせ  
◎ Pot sticker or boiled gyoza 焼き餃子 水餃子  ¥ 600  

May 14th Thursday to May 17th Sunday
 For Vegetarians 本日のおすすめ Today's recommendations
Ⓥ℣  Our chef Akichan’s special dish with plenty of vegetables set meal
あきちゃんのお野菜たっぷりお惣菜定食 ¥950
℣ vegetarian
Ⓥ℣ vegan vegetarian both

Set meal 定食   set meal means main dish and rice and miso soup single means main dish Only
Ⓥ℣ Mabo tofu  with soy meat spicy taste set meal  ¥ 950  麻婆豆腐 大豆ミートをつかいます
Ⓥ℣ Stir fried tofu and vegetables set meal チャージャン 家常豆腐定食 ¥900
Ⓥ℣ Vegetarian Korean vegetables and rice Nori roll kjimpap  野菜キムパ  ¥ 500
Ⓥ℣ Vegetarian sesame taste ramen with vegetables ( no animal no fish no msg ) ベジタリアンごまラーメン ¥850 
Ⓥ℣ Vegetable Hot salad ホットサラダ野菜盛り合わせ  ¥650
Ⓥ℣ Korean pickles for vegetarian ベジタリアン キムチ ¥300 
Ⓥ℣ Sea vegetable salad 海藻サラダ ¥300
Ⓥ℣ Vegetable Korean chijimi salty pancake with vegetables ¥ 500  野菜チジミ
Ⓥ℣ Korean chijimi salty pancake with Nobiru ( wild racambole ) ¥500 野蒜のチジミ 
℣  Korean chijimi with cheese and vegetables ¥600 野菜チーズ チジミ
Ⓥ℣  Rolled monpan with an egg and herbs and tofu burrito style 巻きモンパン豆腐野菜¥800
Ⓥ℣ Homemade fig jam and monpan 手作りいちじくジャムとモンパン   ¥500
Ⓥ℣ Peanuts butter and banana monpan ピーナツバターバナナ ¥400 
Ⓥ℣ Niigata prefecture's famous deep fried Tofu (Tochio no age ) with miso and scallions 栃尾の揚げ¥400
℣  Vegetable gratin with Sake lees and soy milk and cheese 野菜のグラタン ¥800
Ⓥ℣ Deep fried tofu ‘ Tochio no age ‘’ with miso and green onion and soy sauce 栃尾の揚げ ¥400  goes well with beer
Ⓥ℣ Vegetable tempura season's vegetables deep fry with batter ¥ 800  フキノトウと野菜の天ぷら盛り合わせ
Ⓥ℣ Shiitake mushroom stir fry with garlic and soy sauce 原木しいたけ ニンニク醤油  ¥500
Sweets and drink
Ⓥ℣ Fresh chamomile tea ¥500
Ⓥ-℣ Hot soy milk with ginger and sugar ¥500 佐世保豆乳あまい豆乳
Ⓥ℣ Mango shake Lassi ¥600  fruits mix juice ¥600  Mix berry shake Lassi ミックスベリーラッシー¥600
Ⓥ℣ Banana shake Lassi ¥600    バナナシェイクラッシー   
Ⓥ℣ Beats smoothie ビーツスムージー ¥600                 
Ⓥ℣ homemade spicy cola 手作りコーラ ブリコーラ  BRICOLA ¥500
Ⓥ℣ homemade spicy cola syrup and hot water 手作りコーラシロップの湯割り ¥500
Ⓥ℣ Ume shu 梅酒    ¥400 with soda ¥500
Ⓥ℣ Brown sugar ume shu  ¥400   with soda ¥500 黒糖梅酒  400円 ソーダ 500円
Ⓥ℣ Golden milk Turmeric Latte Milk helps to digestive curcumin in Turmeric which helps lever function
ターメリックラテ    ¥500
Ⓥ℣ Chinese quince chuhai alcohol soda drink    カリン酢チューハイ ¥500
Ⓥ℣ Fresh turmeric drink with alcohol and soda 生ウコンサワー ¥600
Ⓥ℣ Bay berry chuhai alcohol soda drink ヤマモモチューハイ ¥500
Ⓥ℣ um,e shu ( plum liquer ) in Rum  ラム酒の梅酒 ¥600
Ⓥ℣ Lemon chumai  alcohol soda drink  レモンチューハイ ¥500
Ⓥ℣ Homemade Alcoholic veverage for medicine with Korean Jinseng 手作り 朝鮮人参酒  ¥ 600
Ⓥ℣  Alcoholic veverage for medicine from Madagascar Rum    マダガスカルラム酒の薬酒    ¥600